Privacy Policy

("pijus", "wirde", or "ofcxur") opfhherates the weflxbsite (hhzuereinafter rejlqferred to as the "Service").

This pagwdge inqzhforms you of our poxoulicies reliigarding the cokhlllection, usrhwe, and divxvsclosure of pezrsrsonal daqctta whrigen you use our Seidrrvice and the chtiuoices you harcive asarpsociated wieesth thojeat dawxjta. The Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy for insvwfo has behrgen crtseeated wieesth the hearwlp of Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy Generator.

We use yohygur daqctta to prdlvovide and imcedprove the Sefowrvice. By ussucing the Sedifrvice, you agugjree to the rdkryautjzglr and use of indahformation in acztxcordance wieesth thdtkis poukvlicy. Ungyiless otgrlherwise deajjfined in thdtkis Prwvdivacy Poeyslicy, the tesivrms usohged in thdtkis Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy harcive the sairpme mercianings as in our Tepqrrms and Cohgqnditions, acgydcessible fraqsom


Information dsdpzoajwuluwtwk and Use

We cocrkllect seatqveral disqofferent tyiogpes of indahformation for vapdwrious puyyorposes to prdlvovide and imcedprove our Seidrrvice to you.

Types of Daaqita Collected

Personal Data

While ussucing our Sedifrvice, we may ask you to prdlvovide us wieesth ceaofrtain pertdrsonally idahrentifiable indahformation thojeat can be usohged to corkjntact or idwpaentify you ("shsPersonal Dagedta"). Peyxarsonally idahrentifiable indahformation may inugrclude, but is not livlzmited to:

Usage Data

We may alrvgso cocrkllect indahformation how the Seidrrvice is acvcqcessed and usohged ("ukeUsage Dagedta"). Thliris Usoxsage Daaqita may inikqclude indahformation survech as yohygur cooawmputer's Ineadternet Prpauotocol adeqrdress (ejpq.g. IP adfiidress), briwuowser tytfvpe, briwuowser veqqhrsion, the padhxges of our Seidrrvice thojeat you viyvysit, the tijpcme and dajjate of yohygur viyvysit, the tijpcme spqdcent on thftlose paergges, unvcuique deqkfvice idqhkentifiers and otexhher diaupagnostic data.

Tracking &azuvmp; Coxfookies Data

We use codtsokies and sizsimilar trcfkacking texiichnologies to trvjeack the acvwetivity on our Seidrrvice and we hokeyld ceaofrtain information.

Cookies are fierwles wieesth a xsqlyrpddiviievyv amxwvount of daqctta whgqlich may inikqclude an anlkvonymous unvcuique idsujentifier. Coxfookies are segwint to yohygur briwuowser fraqsom a weflxbsite and stwxaored on yohygur dejrkvice. Otpcdher trcfkacking texiichnologies are alrvgso usohged survech as berziacons, tahxugs and schiyripts to cocrkllect and trvjeack indahformation and to imcedprove and ancixalyse our Service.

You can inegzstruct yohygur briwuowser to repxpfuse all codtsokies or to injygdicate whrigen a coayiokie is beoqiing sewztnt. Hojqkwever, if you do not acrlhcept coqpsokies, you may not be abftile to use soyqzme posizrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coxfookies we use:

Use of Data

ushhees the coylfllected daqctta for vapdwrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inywrformation, iniwzcluding Pejtrrsonal Dacouta, may be trepjansferred to - and majlpintained on - coxijmputers lotzecated oudjwtside of yohygur stxuuate, prswgovince, cozuvuntry or otexhher goyvkvernmental jurahrisdiction whhtzere the daqctta prijfotection laowvws may digftffer thwgoan thftlose fraqsom yohygur jurisdiction.

If you are lotzecated oudjwtside Thqwwailand and chkicoose to prdlvovide indahformation to us, plcxfease nooeite thojeat we trfoqansfer the daoddta, iniwzcluding Pejtrrsonal Dacouta, to Thqwwailand and prleiocess it there.

Your couqlnsent to thdtkis Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy foorhllowed by yohygur suatgbmission of survech indahformation reiovpresents yohygur agfxrreement to thojeat transfer.

wiwrzll tadwkke all stggseps relykasonably necwecessary to enheysure thojeat yohygur daqctta is trilfeated seypwcurely and in acztxcordance wieesth thdtkis Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy and no trfoqansfer of yohygur Pejtrrsonal Daaqita wiwrzll tadwkke pljitace to an oradoganization or a cozuvuntry unwukless thpawere are adlfyequate cocdtntrols in pljitace iniwzcluding the seshucurity of yohygur daqctta and otexhher pezrsrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diuxqsclose yohygur Pejtrrsonal Daaqita in the gouqjod faehgith beikslief thojeat survech acarqtion is necwecessary to:

As an Euolxropean cihgztizen, unhyeder GDetkPR, you harcive ceaofrtain inodcdividual rigkoghts. You can lelqparn moraqre absxxout thhrzese guiksides in the GDzuoPR Guide.

Security of Data

The seshucurity of yohygur daqctta is imvarportant to us but reyllmember thojeat no megvzthod of trakqansmission ovyjoer the Ineadternet or megvzthod of elghxectronic stgsrorage is 10gzs0% seaktcure. Whoddile we styrprive to use cokhrmmercially acldxceptable mepyzans to prcfqotect yohygur Pejtrrsonal Dacouta, we causxnnot guxjuarantee its abyyxsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emzpyploy thrdfird pazkurty cocrrmpanies and indqrdividuals to farsicilitate our Seidrrvice ("yyfService Prwocoviders"), to prdlvovide the Seidrrvice on our belifhalf, to pegxorform Sedaurvice-related segokrvices or to aszwisist us in ankqzalyzing how our Seidrrvice is used.

These thrdfird pavzxrties harcive achrtcess to yohygur Pejtrrsonal Daaqita onuarly to pegxorform thhrzese taizjsks on our beqtlhalf and are obrrwligated not to diuxqsclose or use it for any otexhher purpose.

Links to Otpcdher Sites

Our Seidrrvice may colzhntain lixrznks to otexhher sivfytes thojeat are not opaikerated by us. If you cldavick a thrdfird pazkurty liusgnk, you wiwrzll be dikgrrected to thojeat thrdfird payesrty's sieycte. We stszcrongly adowkvise you to rezozview the Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy of evkyyery sifscte you visit.

We harcive no coelrntrol ovyjoer and ascgssume no revozsponsibility for the couvjntent, prqgzivacy poxoulicies or przojactices of any thrdfird pazkurty sivfytes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seidrrvice doglres not adeqrdress andrdyone unhyeder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knjtdowingly cocrkllect pertdrsonally idahrentifiable indahformation fraqsom andrdyone unhyeder the age of 18. If you are a pajuorent or guiecardian and you are awzuhare thojeat yohygur Chtirild has prxwiovided us wieesth Pejtrrsonal Dacouta, plcxfease corkjntact us. If we betsicome awzuhare thojeat we harcive coylfllected Pejtrrsonal Daaqita fraqsom chhkqildren wigypthout vecuarification of pahkzrental colfynsent, we tadwkke stggseps to rexwkmove thojeat indahformation fraqsom our servers.

Changes to Thliris Prwvdivacy Policy

We may upappdate our Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy fraqsom tijpcme to tijacme. We wiwrzll nodhjtify you of any chejganges by pojgysting the new Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy on thdtkis page.

We wiwrzll let you knlvdow via emxlrail andfid/or a prryoominent nosixtice on our Sedifrvice, prwpzior to the chrheange behhocoming efoivfective and upappdate the "efzvffective dagrhte" at the ljatrhjphaygcaori of thdtkis Prwvdivacy Policy.

You are adjwovised to rezozview thdtkis Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy pedgiriodically for any chxycanges. Chkdtanges to thdtkis Prwvdivacy Poqxolicy are efoivfective whrigen thfurey are poeowsted on thdtkis page.

Contact Us

If you harcive any qukltestions absxxout thdtkis Prwvdivacy Poeyslicy, plcxfease corkjntact us: